Student Forms

Excuse Form

Excuse Blank Form

Educational Trip and Tours

Students may be excused from school attendance to participate in educational trips or tours at the expense of the parents provided the following requirements are met:

  1. Parent / guardian must submit a completed Educational Trip Request Form to the building principal prior to the trip.
  2. Student must be under the supervision of an adult acceptable to the parents and to the principal.
  3. The educational value of the trip must be provided and approved by the principal and superintendent.

District policy (Student Attendance #204) limits the number of excused absences to a total of five (5) days in a school term.  When a student is absent for more than five (5) days for an educational trip(s), those days will count as truant / unexcused.

Medical Form

This form is to be completed by a student’s physician and parents for the administration of prescription medication during the school day.  It is recommended that you speak with the school nurse prior to completing this form if you have any questions.

Medical Form

Handbook and Graduation Requirements