- What are Mountie Pathways?
Each Pathway is a broad grouping of careers that share similar characteristics and whose employment requirements call for many common interests, strengths and competencies. A chosen pathway focuses the selection of core and elective courses while offering post-secondary preparation for all.
- Why will I choose a Mountie Pathway?
- How do I choose a Mountie Pathway?
You will research various career fields and industries in your 8th grade survey class and through designated career development activities. Your counselors, families, and teachers can assist you with this choice.
- Will there be any change in my major academic studies?
No, you will still take all required core courses and follow the graduation requirements listed on pages 56–57 of this document.
- What if I want to switch my Mountie Pathway?
You are able to switch at any point during your high school career. This will not affect your ability to graduate on time. Talk to your School Counselor if you desire to switch.
- What is the purpose of Mountie Pathways?
Everyone enters the work force at some point. To plan your career, you need to plan your high school academic program. The courses you take and your experiences in high school can lead you to your chosen career path. Career implies more than just a job – it includes education, work, and lifestyle. Achieving success in a career takes planning, studying, training and vision. Your course options now allow you to smoothly and successfully implement your career plan later. You may change your focus during high school, but having a goal will help you to select the best courses according to your interests.
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