Title 1

What is Title 1?

Title I is a Federally-funded program that targets kindergarten through grade 4 students for reading intervention and in-class support services. Pennsylvania standards based assessments are administered school wide and the results drive our instructional program. The instructional practices are based on sound research on the science of reading.

Intervention programs include 95% Group’s programs, Scott Foresman Sidewalks, Heggerty Phonological Awarenes, Fundations, Rewards, and RAVE-O to develop language and literacy. Under Title 1 reading specialists, highly qualified paraprofessionals, and classroom teachers collaborate together in order to create the best support system for the students.

It is our greatest desire to empower students to be confident and successful readers who engage in lifelong reading.

Title One Parent/Family Resource Website:  https://central-elementary.org/

Parents Right to Know

Parent Right to Know Letter

Title One - Home & School Compact

Title One - Home & School Compact Letter

Title One - Parent & Family Policy

Title One - Parent & Family Policy

What is Schoolwide?

What is Schoolwide Letter?

Schoolwide Title One Plan

Schoolwide Title One Plan

District - Parent and Family Engagement Policy

District - Parent and Family Engagement Policy

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires that Title I parents be informed annually about our South Williamsport Area School District Title I Parent Policy. This Policy states the following:

  • Parents will be sent letters informing them that their child is eligible to participate in Title I Reading.

  • Parents will be given opportunities to offer suggestions about the planning, development and operation of the Title I program during the Back to School Nights, Parent Teacher conferences, Parent Teacher Organization Meetings, Title I Workshops, through surveys and through other school communications.

  • Title I Parents will receive student progress reports during parent teacher conferences and each report card semester.

  • Parent Workshops / Trainings will be offered throughout the school year to provide parents with strategies to help their child succeed in school.

  • Materials will be made available to parents through our website to use with their children at home to reinforce what the children are learning in reading and math at school.

  • Parents will be sent a monthly newsletter entitled “The Reading Connection” which will provide them with helpful reading and writing suggestions for use at home. Also, Ready Rosie resources and Title I feature pages and Title I topics are disseminated to parents on a monthly to bi-monthly basis.

  • Parents will be given assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards and student achievement standards, local academic assessments and how to monitor a child’s progress with teachers.

  • Parents have access to the South Williamsport Area School District’s website through School wires that will provide them with information on Title I programs, reading instructional strategies to use at home and related websites.

  • Parents, school staff and students will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement based on the school-parent compact.

Parents Get Involved

Remember just reading with your child fifteen to twenty minutes a day can greatly improve their reading skills. Together let’s make reading fun.
