Welcome, new students!
South Williamsport Area School District will be conducting all new student registrations by appointment only at the District Office. The District Office is located at 515 West Central Avenue, South Williamsport, PA 17702. Appointments for student registration can be scheduled by emailing the secretary to the superintendent, Karen Geise, or by calling 570-327-1581 Ext. 4466.
If you need to withdraw your student from South Williamsport Area School District, please contact his/her school directly.
Once you submit your email message, you will receive a follow up email within 3 business days. This email will contain a link for you to complete your forms online. After you complete your forms, we will reach out to you to set up an appointment for you to bring your required documentation and have your child complete a brief screening assessment. Document verification and screenings will take place on a date to be determined soon.
If you have any questions please contact Karen Geise via email at kgeise@swasd.org or call 570-3271581 ext. 4466
Items Needed for Registration
The following are required documents to bring to your appointment in order to register your child:
- Student Proof of Age
- Birth Certificate or Valid passport
- Proof of Residency
- Homeowners – tax bill or deed
- Renters – copy of the lease, rent receipt with address and landlord contact information, or affidavit of residency completed by landlord
- Affidavit of Multiple Occupancy Registration Form
- Parent/Guardianship ID
- Driver’s License or Valid Photo ID with current address or Driver’s License or Photo ID with address change card from DMV
- Guardianship Affidavit (If assuming legal guardianship)
- Special Education Records (IEP)
- Any court document or formal agreements explaining custody arrangements
- Immunization Records