Below are the general procedures in place to address safety and security.  Please take time to review them with your student(s). If after doing so you have specific questions or comments, please contact your building principal.

School Entrance/Exit

All schools have secure, camera-monitored entrances. Parents, students, and visitors are required to enter through designated main entry doors once school begins. The district uses a double door lock process for admission.  Visitors must request admission through each set of locked doors.

Visitors may be asked their name and reason for admission. Additional identification in the form of a driver’s license may also be requested.

Visitor Identification/Registration

Every person who requests access to a school building must sign the visitor log book and must wear a school-provided visitor identification card.  Visitors are restricted to the approved area for their visit.

Student/Employee Photo Identification

All students are provided a photo identification card and lanyard annually. Students in kindergarten through grade six are required to wear their identification cards during the school day. Students in grades seven through twelve are required to have their identification cards in their possession during the school day.

All employees must wear their district provided identification card during the school day.

Parking Identification

Employees and students must display a school-issued vehicle identification tag while parked on school property.

Video Monitoring

All video cameras are now accessible through secure, remote internet connections to district administration and law enforcement. In addition, large TV monitors are installed where easily visible by building principals and district administration.

Key-less Door Locks

Door locks are  installed on every classroom and office door. These key-less locks engage from inside the classroom to prevent access, but still allow for exit. The locks are approved by fire and safety officials for school use.  Each classroom door is also equipped with a secondary locking device.

Emergency Response Procedures

The district uses a comprehensive all hazards plan for planning, education, and response to school emergencies.  The plan addresses a wide range of emergencies from power failures, water-main breaks, gas leaks, chemical spills, and structure fires, in addition active shooting incidents.

Each school is assigned an off site rally location and an off campus evacuation center.  Students and staff train by-annually to the rally location. From there staff will escort them to the evacuation location where parent reunification will occur.

Safety Drills

All district schools will conduct periodic safety drills as detailed in the emergency management plan. These drills are done at different times of the day during the school year so that students and staff become familiar with proper procedures in all situations.  Safety drills are supported by local police for their training as well.

Evacuation (fire) drills are conducted once per month during the school year.

Communicating with Families

Your student’s safety is our first concern. We realize how important communication is with families in the event of a school emergency. The school will rely on the automated call service to notify you of an emergency situation, and if necessary, student pick-up procedures. The automated call system updates daily from our student management software which you can access from any computer. It is very important that you keep accurate phone numbers, text numbers, email addresses, and home addresses on file with the district. Office staff personnel throughout the district are available to assist you if needed.