What is Mountie Quest?
Mountie Quest (Quality Experience for Students)’s mission is to provide students of the South Williamsport Area School District with financial assistance that will allow them to participate in challenging experiences outside of the regular classroom setting. Activities chosen by the students will inspire them to take a proactive approach towards building a successful future.
Apply for financial assistance here: MQ Application
Applications can be emailed to MountieQuest@gmail.com or handed in to your school counselor.
Questions or comments? Contact Us: MountieQuest@gmail.com
Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/mountiequest
What Activities Do We Sponsor?
Students choose the activity in which they would like to participate. Examples in the past include:
Karate classes
Sport’s Camps & Clinics & Tournaments
Lycoming College for Kids
Penn College Summer Programs
Online Classes (high school or college level)
Family night out at the theater
Swimming lessons
Theater camps
What does your student want to experience?
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
A huge thank you to our sponsors who help us reach our mission:
VFW – Leroy O. Buck Post 7863 – multi-year sponsor
Loyal Order of Moose #145 – multi-year sponsor
Young Men’s Democratic Club
Fraternal Order of the Eagles – multi-year sponsor
Newberry Independent Club (a.k.a. Polish Club) – multi-year sponsor
Dr. Douglas B Calem
Hilsher Graphics
Gary Hutchinson in memory of Susan Hutchinson (former elementary teacher at South Williamsport)
South Williamsport Area School District Staff – Dress down day donations
South Williamsport High School National Honor Society
Raise the Region – various individual donors
Grant from Miele Manufacturing – Pennsylvania Skill – multi-year sponsor
Grant from West Pharmaceuticals
Grant from Wegmans Food Markets
Sponsorship from M&T Bank through their M&T Charitable Foundation