Standardized Testing
PSSA Exams
The Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessment is an annual exam, held in the Spring, for all eligible students in third through eighth grade. Students are tested in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in fourth and eighth grade are also tested in Science.
PSSA scores are used in conjunction with grades and teacher recommendations to determine appropriate course placement.
Keystone Exams
The Keystone Exams are administered to all students who are taking Algebra I, Biology, and English 9 in the Spring. Students who earn a level of proficiency or advanced on all three exams, would satisfy the state graduation requirements listed on this page. If a student requests to retest in any of those subjects, they would need to register for the Winter exam window.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is utilized as a career exploration tool to all 10th grade students. Participation in the ASVAB does not obligate a student to talk with military recruiters or consider a military career. If a student is interested in pursuing a military career, they would need to take the ASVAB in 11th or 12th grade. The minimum score require for each branch is listed as follows:
- Army – 31
- Marine Corps – 32
- Navy – 35
- Air Force – 36
- Coast Guard – 40
The Preliminary SAT is offered in the Fall (mid-October) to all 10th and 11th grade students, typically at a cost of $17. It is not required, however, can provide some benefits to students, which include: 1) the PSAT is one way to achieve proficiency for the Keystone Graduation Pathway requirement. If your total score is 970 or above, you have met the requirement; 2) Students in their junior year are able to qualify for the NMSQT depending on their PSAT performance and; 3) your CollegeBoard account gives you access to Opportunity Scholarships just for taking the necessary steps to prepare for life after high school.
Test results will be returned to students in December. These results provide an excellent way to prepare for the SAT in the winter/spring. Remember that the PSAT does not qualify as a College Entrance Exam and is not included on the high school transcript.
The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school in English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test. The SAT is more of an aptitude test, measuring reasoning and verbal abilities.
The SAT/ACT are a college-entrance exam typically used in conjunction with your high school courses and grades to determine admittance to an institution. Many schools who were not already test-optional, especially for the Class of 2021, are waiving the standardized test requirement for application. Check out that list of schools here.
Registration for the either exam must be done through their respective websites, CollegeBoard (for the SAT) and ACT. Loyalsock and Williamsport are two of the local testing sites for all SAT dates. The SAT is offered every year in August, October, November, December, March, May and June. Testing dates are always on Saturday.
Deadlines to register are usually one month before the exam. If you receive free/reduced lunch, please request a fee waiver from the Counseling Office before registering for either exam!