Thank you for your interest in substituting within the District. We accept substitutes for the following positions: Clerical, Teacher Aides, Food Service (Cafeteria) Workers, Custodians, LPNs.
A list of required documents and information is listed below. The current rate of pay for substituting is $11.00 per hour for clerical, aides, food service, custodians; $13.50 per hour for LPNs. There is no guarantee of hours for substitute positions. If you are called to work as a substitute, you can expect to work shifts of the following hours:
Clerical – 4 to 7.5 hours – typically between 7:00AM – 3:30PM
Aides – 3 to 6.75 hours – typically between 7:30AM – 3:00PM
Food Service (Cafeteria) Workers – 3 to 4 hours – typically between 8:00AM – 2:00PM
Custodians – 4 to 8 hours – typically 2nd or 3rd shift
LPNs – 3 to 6.5 hours – typically between 8:00AM – 3:00PM
Please visit the Business Office in the Raymond R. Rommelt building between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday through Friday to submit your documents and information. Before you can be called or paid as a substitute, you must be Board approved. Human Resources will submit your name to the School Board for approval after all paperwork is received.
_____ APPLICATION – Please print this application and complete all sections. LPNs – please submit a resume in lieu of application.
_____ PA STATE POLICE CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK (ACT 34) BACKGROUND CHECK – Please provide a printout of your current Act 34 form, dated within 5 years of hire date.
_____ CHILD ABUSE HISTORY (ACT 151) BACKGROUND CHECK – Please provide a printout of your current Act 151 form, dated within 5 years of hire date.
_____ FBI (ACT 114) BACKGROUND CHECK – After completing the application and fingerprinting requirements, please provide the registration ID# to allow us to access the report. This must be within 5 years of hire date.
Other information may be required based on position. Human Resources will inform you of any additional required information.